Tag Archives: Mendoza

Day 26 – The long and winding road

At 8:30pm on the 30th November we arrive at Mendoza bus station and we…..

Get on.
Watch film.
Read book.
Eat food (cheese and ham).
Eat food.
Play bingo (don’t win).
Read book.
Eat food (2x cheese and ham).
Nearly get off too early.
Bus develops a fault meaning slower speed and regular stops at the side of the road.
Bus finally gives up the ghost.
Spend 45 minutes at the side of the road in some extreme heat.
Get collected by another bus with spare seats
Get off.

…..and at 5:20pm on the 1st December we arrive at Salta Bus Station.

Day 25 Spam, Spam, Spam, Cheese and Spam

We leave Mendoza this evening on another overnight bus journey of 18 hours, but before then we have a day in the city.

Our initial impressions of Mendoza is that is a fairly standard city and whilst we find some elements of note, I think that our final view is not too dissimilar.  It is a fairly low rise city and the best viewpoint is atop a local government building about 10 blocks away from our hotel, so we head there late morning.

It really is a local government office block and we wander into one of the offices on the way to the roof terrace.  This does provide a great view point and you can walk all the way round to get a full 360 degree view, I also pay 100 pesos (10p) to use some large binoculars that are too hot to allow them to touch your skin so not that useful really!

A slightly weird ‘attraction’ on the top floor of the office block is a wall of photographs of what we think are ‘Miss Mendoza’ winners over the last 50 years.  You can see that the trends of what is considering attractive have changed over the years, with the 1980s and 1990s seemingly focused on a more western look.

Within the city are a collection of lovely tree filled plazas that form the shape of the 5 on the side of a dice which were pleasant to walk around and we had lunch on the side of one.  Good value food though Nik’s lasagne does highlight a strange food phenomena – the ham and cheese fixation.

I have mentioned in a previous blog that cheese is a common ingredient, but it is often accompanied by ham.  One example akin to the old Monty Python SPAM sketch was a lunch stop in Valparaiso that had 15 varieties of sandwich that each had queso y jambon as core ingredients.  But lasagne should surely be a safe option?  This lasagne was slices of pancake/pasta with slices of ham, slices of cheese sandwiched between them and all covered with a bolognese sauce.  Odd but tasty.

Later in the trip we have planned to visit the Bolivian salt flats and the Ecuadorian amazon.  As a result we haven’t quite got all the kit we need to we spend the afternoon shopping for supplies – made slightly difficult by the long siesta break that almost all the shops take between 14:30 and 17:30.  But we find enough open to get most things and pick the last few up after they re-open before heading to the bus station to board our 20:00 bus to Salta and another epic road trip.

Day 24 – I want to ride my bicycle, I want to ride my bike

Mendoza is famous for it’s wine region.  It produces 70% of Argentina’s rightly popular wines, and in March is home to a national festival celebrating the harvest.

A popular way of seeing the area is via bicycle – and being keen cyclists we arrange for a tour to do just that.  We are collected from our hostel in the morning (after comedy running round to find a bank to pay for it) by a mini-bus that must have had a hard life and a driver that looks like he roadies for the Levellers.  Unusually its just the two of us that are taken directly to the area – normally these things run round a few accommodation places and fill the bus up first and we arrive in Maipu by mid-morning, an area of Mendoza with plenty of vineyards.

Orange bikes is the company we rent our iron horses from for the day – they are indeed all orange and appear to have had a similar like to that our of mini-bus, but they are basically roadworthy with some of the more uncomfortable saddles I have encountered.

It is ‘a beautiful day’ (as our driver might say) and temperatures are north of 30 degrees, which requires plenty of water.  When planing our route for the day we cater for the fact that today definitely polarises our tastes – Nik doesn’t drink alcohol, I do not like olives, we both like cycling.

So we visit two vineyards and two olive plantations covering about 30-40km on the bikes – Nik comments that I have engineered more cycling time than most people would on this trip, but we have both missed our bikes since traveling and it feels great to be out in the fresh air peddling our way through Argentina.

Our initial impressions of our scenery are that this has been very well marketed.  The area is not the most salubrious and highlights that outside the major cities the differences between here and home are far greater than we have seen so far on the trip.  Except the main roads, the rest are unfinished mud and gravel, and the quality of the general infrastructure is generally poor.   We are warned that that there are clear signs (red and green) to indicate areas that are and are not safe to cycle in, and that tourist police keep the green areas safe.

That said we have our backpack in the basket on the front of Nik’s bike and two youths on a motorbike attempt to snatch it as they rode past!  Thankfully they failed to get a good purchase and  we heed the warning and strap the bag to our backs and take care, but we don’t like the feeling of mistrust it gives us for the rest of the day when seeing locals on motorbikes.

After abut 5km of cycling we leave the more urban areas and out into the amazingly beautiful countryside with fields of vineyards stretching out in front of you, with blue sky above and The Andes providing the backdrop in the distance.

We ride out as far as we are going before our first stop, an olive plantation called Laur.  This is Nik’s highlight of the day where for a very small fee we are given a tasting selection consisting of tapenade, olives, sundered tomatoes, balsamic vinegar and olive oil (with plenty of bread).  I appreciate tomatoes and the oil, that we are encouraged to taste ‘pure’ i.e. drink a small amount from a spoon, before using bread.  The rest are not for me, but Nik ensures me that these are some of the best olives she has ever eaten.  Laur are having a grand opening of their new balsamic factory that evening so the staff are busily making sure everything looks ‘tip top’ so we leave them to it and head back out on the bikes.

Philip from the Valparaiso tours had recommended a small family vineyard to us called Di Tomasso  that dates back to the 1830s.  We arrive to see a group of about 8 rented bikes already there and go in and catch the end of the tour and then have a tasting.  The lady running the tour comments that there is a lot of English people there but ironically for an Argentinian didn’t know the word ‘invasion’ in English 😉

The sommelier was aghast that Nik doesn’t drink but still insisted that she is given a glass of each of the 4 wines we taste so that she can ‘appreciate’ them all the same.  We are taught how to inspect the colour, the aroma and the taste (Nik has a very small sip.  I don’t) and also the do’s and don’t of wine tasting and drinking e.g. cleansing the palet, food that matches etc.  We both enjoyed it and stay for lunch where I am served a HUGE class of the local Malbec red to accompany my rabbit.

Another vineyard next, that is much plusher and more commercial, though I think we upset them by ordering a diet Coke as the heat has significantly dehydrated us, but they have a good short free tour and the terrace give a viewpoint for the area.  We then visit our second olive place of the day where we get a tasting and tour and learn a lot about olive oil.  Did you know that green and back olives are the same? The colour indicates when they are harvested – green are immature and black are ripe.  And its green olives with lower acidity that are used to make virgin and extra virgin olive oils.

Finally we pop into a ‘tea room’ that offers lots of different type of tea (including Waitrose Earl Grey as the owners father visits England regularly) and manage to get a very well made cup of tea.  Tea brewed in a pot, cold milk, the works.  It is possible.

Back on the Levellers tour bus to our accommodation for a much needed shower and change before a lovely evening meal in the bustling evening where the city feels alive.

Day 23 – Ask you Mum, she puts everything away.

I know I have mentioned the quality of tea already in this blog, and that I was beginning to sound like my Dad.  Well this morning we plumbed new depths as I was served something almost, but not quite, totally unlike a cup of tea*.

Arriving at the bus station for our journey to Mendoza we have time to grab a cup of tea before the bus arrives.

Té con leche it stated on the board above the counter.  Literally ‘tea with milk’.  Sadly what was served was tea made WITH milk.  That’s right ladies and gentlemen, a cup of hot frothy milk (like a cappuccino) and a tea bag.  I place the tea bag in and wait, periodically using a spoon to try and squeeze some life out of it.  After 3 minutes the poor tea bag had only managed to barely change the colour of the liquid but certainly not impart any flavour.  At all.

I think in the same circumstances my Dad would have declared war on Chile.  I am more restrained and instead petition the UN for some strong sanctions whilst immediately leaving the country in disgust.

Not every day on The Big Trip (TM) will be amazing.  Today is one of those days on reflection, though it still manages to amuse and provide interest.  The highlight was the amazing scenery on the journey over the Andes (Which are where? Is a classic lollipop stick joke from my childhood) – we saw some staggering views and the road itself, particularly on the Chilean side is a spectacular collection of hairpin bends with no crash barriers to be seen.

However the scheduled 8 hour journey lasts 9 due to a combination of the largest contraflow we have ever seen (30 minutes drive) and the total inefficiency of the Chile/Argentine border crossing that takes nearly 2 hours and includes the use of a Ford Transit as a mobile baggage scanning system.  Irritatingly for Niki the film that she was watching in German with Spanish subtitles (Django Unchained) didn’t quite finish before we reached Mendoza bus station so if anyone knows how it ends please post a comment.

Today our method of travel was supplemented with a choice of hostel (definitely on the backpacker student end of the spectrum that won’t be getting a favourable review) and evening meal (using the one dollar filter on Trip Advisor should be done with caution) which did a great job of keeping the momentum of the cup of tea going.  But still we travelled across the Andes….if that is a bad day, I think we will both cope.

* Another credit for Douglas Adams